1. Re: Installing legacy WAR with WAR protocol: question about JNDI
ffang Nov 8, 2012 12:03 AM (in response to fiddlerpianist)Hi,
Yeah, you should.
Take a look at related discussion[1]
2. Re: Installing legacy WAR with WAR protocol: question about JNDI
fiddlerpianist Nov 8, 2012 12:37 AM (in response to ffang)Let me clarify.
I would like to keep the logical name that the WAR is currently mapped to (the value "java:comp/env/jdbc/myds") in the WAR. That name is defined in as a resource-ref in the web.xml.
In a Java EE server, the server itself is responsible for taking this logical name and mapping it to a global JNDI location. Is there an equivalent logical-to-physical mapping for Fuse ESB that would allow me to keep the "java:comp" address in the WAR?
Edited by: fiddlerpianist on Nov 7, 2012 11:36 PM
3. Re: Installing legacy WAR with WAR protocol: question about JNDI
ffang Nov 8, 2012 12:42 AM (in response to fiddlerpianist)Hi,
No, I don't think so.
You need publish your DataSource as OSGi service yourself then you can use OSGi style jndi name to refer it.