1. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
stlewis Nov 27, 2012 9:40 AM (in response to komododave)Can you see via FMC if there's more than one broker instance running? You'd go to the container detail page for the container running MQ, then click on the Fuse MQ button. I've seen cases where the MQ web console starts it's own broker instance.
2. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
komododave Nov 27, 2012 10:54 AM (in response to stlewis)Yes you're absolutely right Stan. I can see a web-console broker is listed in FMC in addition to the broker of same name as the container.
And loading Fuse MQ Console states:
Welcome to the Fuse MQ Console of web-console
i.e. doesn't show anything because it's monitoring the unused web-console broker.
Is this a bug? Is there a workaround I can use for now?
Sincere thanks for your time, I do appreciate your informative responses.
3. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
stlewis Nov 27, 2012 11:07 AM (in response to komododave)Asked around about this and currently the activemq web console isn't configured via the OSGi ConfigAdmin (ENTMQ-138). So what you have to do in the meantime is configure the web console via system properties as outline on this page under "Configure using System-Properties".
You'll also want to edit the "mq-base" profile, go to the "Configuration" tab and click on the "broker.xml" and set what port the broker will come up on, that way you know what port to configure the web console to use.
4. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
komododave Nov 27, 2012 11:18 AM (in response to stlewis)Thank you for this information Stan. I'll follow your instructions now.
5. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
komododave Nov 27, 2012 12:49 PM (in response to stlewis)By the way, wouldn't you agree the mq-web-console shouldn't include a broker itself by default anyway?
I just tried extending profile mq-base and adding the mq-web-console feature, but its broker isn't set up in the same way as that of the mq profile, sadly. So no pinger example messages are enqueued or dequeued. Shame, that would have been an easy fix!
6. Re: Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo
komododave Nov 28, 2012 12:44 PM (in response to stlewis)This worked like a charm once I added the system properties via FMC and changed the openwire port in broker.xml as you indicated. Many thanks.