1. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login
stlewis Dec 3, 2012 1:06 PM (in response to milanmilas)This question is probably better asked on the MQ forum, as this one is strictly for Fuse Management Console.
If you're on 7.0.2 by default I believe the MQ web console is supposed to authenticate using the "karaf" realm, when you create a fabric that introduces a new higher-priority "karaf" realm that's backed by zookeeper, however if an app is already in the container it sometimes requires doing an osgi:refresh on that app so it picks up the new realm.
2. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login
milanmilas Dec 4, 2012 6:25 AM (in response to stlewis)I have created another question in Message Broker forum as suggested.
Tnx for help, but refresh didnt help. I did manage to make it work after playing with jetty.xml file but I was making so many changes on other files as well that I am now not able to make it work on the plain installation.
3. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login
milanmilas Mar 25, 2013 5:54 AM (in response to milanmilas)system.properties
Activemq Webconsole configuration