Correct steps to create an FMC container now it's a feature in FF 7.1?
komododave Dec 19, 2012 8:58 AMOur Fabric must be configured to use Nexus repo proxies to access feature repos.
Because of this we can't create a fabric ensemble node with the 'fmc' profile since it won't be provisioned.
Therefore I used the following steps to first create an ensemble node then create a child container for it with the 'fmc' profile applied:
fabric:create --clean --new-user ouradmin --new-user-role admin --new-user-password ourpass --zookeeper-password ourzkpass
fabric:profile-edit --pid org.fusesource.fabric.agent/patch.repositories=http://maven/nexus/content/groups/ours default
fabric:profile-edit --pid org.fusesource.fabric.agent/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories=http://maven/nexus/content/groups/ours default
fabric:profile-edit --pid org.fusesource.fabric.maven/remoteRepositories=http://maven/nexus/content/groups/ours fabric
fabric:container-create-child --profile fmc root fmc-root
These commands execute successfully, and the child 'fmc-root' is successfully provisioned.
However, FMC is not available on http://ensemble-host:8181
I realise it's possible to add the 'fmc' profile to the root ensemble node after its creation. However, Stan Lewis pointed out in this post that the 'fmc' profile should be applied at time of container creation to remove the necessity to refresh the PAX MVN bundle.
If someone could answer the following questions, it might clear up what limitations exist now that FMC is a feature:
1. Why doesn't the setup described here work? Is it because the 'fmc' child container must be passed the JMX user and password of the parent container at time of creation? If so where are these defined by default, and how can they be modified?
2. Are there limitations beyond those outlined here when using Maven proxies regarding FMC setup, and if so could you describe what configuration steps certainly will work for FMC?
The sort of response you might give to is "FMC will work with Nexus proxies if you either add the 'fmc' profile to an ensemble container then refresh the PAX MVN bundle, or (ii) add the 'fmc' profile to another root container.
I'm wary of (ii) though since another post by Stan Lewis highlights that fabric:join is broken in RC 041. However I'm about to try RC 047 which is expected to be the GA release.