1. Re: What's the "proper" way of modifying etc/jetty.xml?
stlewis Dec 20, 2012 10:02 AM (in response to komododave)So basically config PIDs can be overridden via FMC, i.e. the values you see when you do a "config:list".
One minor difference is that in FMC you use .properties as the suffix for files under etc/ that end with .cfg.
In the case of jetty.xml I have a feeling that jetty is just reading that file directly rather than getting it's contents via the OSGi ConfigAdmin service, so you'd have to customize the actual file rather than configure it via fabric.
That being said, if you want to try using Pax Web (which uses Jetty under the covers) it has a configuration setting to specify a bind address list, documented here, called "org.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses". So in that case you'd go into FMC, go to the "Configuration" tab of your profile, create a new configuration called "org.ops4j.pax.web.properties", then open it and add:
or whatever you need.
2. Re: What's the "proper" way of modifying etc/jetty.xml?
komododave Dec 20, 2012 10:12 AM (in response to stlewis)Great info as usual, thank you Stan.
Let's say we export the modified 'fmc' profile now from a created fabric.
Then we import it at fabric creation and specify --profile fmc.
Will it load the modified 'fmc' profile, or the unmodified one? i.e. what's the execution order on those fabric:create parameters?
Is it determined by the order in which they're listed?
3. Re: What's the "proper" way of modifying etc/jetty.xml?
stlewis Dec 20, 2012 10:14 AM (in response to komododave)Yeah, FMC needs Pax Web to run at all, i.e. the profile should specify the "war" feature which gives you Pax Web and the "web:list" command.
4. Re: What's the "proper" way of modifying etc/jetty.xml?
komododave Dec 20, 2012 10:44 AM (in response to stlewis)More useful info there, thanks Stan.
I actually modified my question earlier because the answer was clear from what you'd said when I read it a second time.
If you get chance I'd be grateful for a response to the new question.
Thank you very much for your time.