5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2013 8:05 AM by cheekychops

    The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric


      Using Fuse ESB Enterprice (7.1.0.fuse-047) on windows and java 7.


      If doing the following steps to create a new fabric-container with the feature transaction:


      fabric:create --profile fabric

      profile-create --parents camel myprofile

      profile-edit --features transaction myprofile

      container-create-child --profile myprofile root server1



      This resulting in the following exception in the log on server1:


      Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xbean.blueprint.context.impl.XBeanNamespaceHandler not found by org.apache.aries.transaction.jdbc




      The command "features:info transaction" returns:

      Description of transaction 1.0.1.fuse-71-047 feature


      JTA implementation provided by Apache Aries Transaction 1.0.1.fuse-71-047


      Feature configuration:


      Feature has no configuration files

      Feature has no dependencies.

      Feature contains followed bundles:

      mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1 start-level=30

      mvn:org.apache.xbean/xbean-blueprint/3.12 start-level=30

      mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint/1.0.1.fuse-71-047 start-level=30

      mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.manager/1.0.1.fuse-71-047 start-level=30

      mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.jdbc/1.0.1.fuse-71-047 start-level=30


      Based on this info the bundle "mvn:org.apache.xbean/xbean-blueprint/3.12 start-level=30" should have been installed, but it seems like this isn't happening.


      Does anyone have any idea whats going wrong here?

        • 1. Re: The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric



          Thanks for reporting. I logged a ticket http://fusesource.com/issues/browse/ENTESB-511


          What level is the log at? Is it WARN or ERROR?

          And if you restart the child container does it work then?

          • 2. Re: The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric

            This is logged as an ERROR.


            2012-12-28 14:45:53,507 | ERROR | -71-047-thread-1 | AbstractRecipe                   | ries.blueprint.di.AbstractRecipe  193 | 7 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.0.1.fuse-71-047 | Unable to load class org.apache.xbean.blueprint.context.impl.XBeanNamespaceHandler from recipe BeanRecipe[name='#recipe-1']

            2012-12-28 14:45:53,507 | ERROR | -71-047-thread-1 | ServiceRecipe                    | lueprint.container.ServiceRecipe  294 | 7 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.0.1.fuse-71-047 | Error retrieving service from ServiceRecipe[name='.component-1']

            org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to load class org.apache.xbean.blueprint.context.impl.XBeanNamespaceHandler from recipe BeanRecipe[name='#recipe-1']


            The Apache Ariens Transaction Enlisting JDBC Datasource bundle fails to start.


            admin@server1> list |grep Transaction

            Apache Aries Transaction Enlisting JDBC Datasource (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Apache Aries Transaction Manager (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Spring Transaction (3.0.7.RELEASE)


            After a restart of server1 this is still a problem.


            If I modify myprofile with "profile-edit --bundles mvn:org.apache.xbean/xbean-blueprint/3.12 myprofile" then server1 start up without failures.


            admin@server1> list|grep Transaction

            Apache Aries Transaction Enlisting JDBC Datasource (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Apache Aries Transaction Manager (1.0.1.fuse-71-047)

            Spring Transaction (3.0.7.RELEASE)

            • 3. Re: The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric

              Thanks for posting what seems like a solution. To ensure the xbean bundle is included.

              • 4. Re: The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric

                This problem seems to be related to http://fusesource.com/issues/browse/ENTESB-433

                • 5. Re: The feature transaction will not install correct in fabric

                  I get the same error when I deploy my feature in a JBoss 6.0 fabric


                    84] Apache Aries Transaction Enlisting JDBC Datasource (1.0.1.redhat-60024)


                  The solution offered here makes the error go away, so I've added:




                  to my feature definition.


                  The error doesn't seems to stop anything from working, which is odd!