14 Replies Latest reply on Feb 6, 2013 12:08 PM by jasonnh

    fabric container dependency issues for FUSE 7.1.0




      I have 3 profiles that are the same except for one bundle.  The bundles that differ have the same imports (they are small and very similar).


      I then have a container for each profile.


      When I deploy everything two of the containers always work but one intermittently has a warning complaining it can not create route because it can not load data formats because camel jaxb is not on the classpath.


      camel-jaxb is on the classpath because it is a feature of the profile in exactly the same way as the other two containers.



      update <bundle-id-of-bundle-with-route>


      Makes everything work, i.e. the route is loaded correctly and everything works including jaxb.


      The only difference I can see is the failing profile has an extra bundle in it that is very simple but I can not see any reason this profile should intermittently fail compared with the others.  The fact that update fixes it suggests a problem with the dependency loading.


      Does anybody have any ideas on what may be wrong?


      (FUSE 7.1.0, Windows 7, JDK 1.7.0_10 64 bit)




      Edited by: jasonnh on Jan 10, 2013 4:36 PM