11 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2013 10:35 AM by alstsever_alain.saint-sever

    Fabric profile: version name not used after version export/import




      Another weird thing I just noticed (along with bugs described here https://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=4591&tstart=0):


      From FMC 7.1.0:

      1- create a new version, say 1.0-test

      2- export 1.0-test version: a file named 1.0-test-export.zip is created containing all the profiles

      3- delete version 1.0-test

      4- import version from file 1.0-test-export.zip

      ==> FMC creates version 1.1 while we should expect 1.0-test


      The name we gave to the exported version is not used.


      Is it the expected behavior (I don't think since we can name a version)?

