0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2013 1:43 PM by yngve2

    Import of a fabric profile doesn't correctly register it's parent.


      Importing of a fabric profile doesn't register it's parent correcty unless an import is done on the root level in the fabric registry. The scenarios below are done in Fuse Fabric 7.1.0 running Windows7 with java 7.


      Both scenarios below should be work to import the profile "myprofile". Scenario 1 doesn't correctly configure it parent, but scenario 2 does.


      Scenario 1:

      If I create the file C:/tmp/profiles/myprofile/org.fusesource.fabric.agent.properties with content: "parents=karaf"

      and do the following import in fabric: "import --target /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles c:/tmp/profiles"

      I would expect myprofile to have the "karaf" profile as parent, but a "profile-list" lists myprofile without any parants.


      Scenario 2:

      If I create the file C:/tmp/profiles/fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/myprofile/org.fusesource.fabric.agent.properties with content: "parents=karaf"

      and do the following import in fabric: "import c:/tmp/profiles"

      Then myprofile have the profile "karaf" as parent. This is confirmed by doing "profile-list"



      Is this is bug or am I mistaken that scenario 1 should work?