3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 25, 2013 6:02 AM by milanmilas

    ActiveMQ (FuseEsb, Camel) - Http to Https


      I am trying to set http to https in Fuse ESB and Camel:


      What I changed in the ActiveMq.xml:



                  <sslContext keyStore="file:$/conf/mybroker.ts"                         keyStorePassword="password"                         trustStore="file:$/conf/mybroker.ts"




      I have generated the certificate using example from ActiveMQ in Action book


      Is this configuration correct?

      What do I need to set in my Camel route for ActiveMQ ?


      It would be really useful if there is example of Camle route with Https set on the ActiveMQ in Fuse.

        • 1. Re: ActiveMQ (FuseEsb, Camel) - Http to Https


          Is this configuration correct in my Camel route?


          Edited by: milanmilas on Feb 20, 2013 11:43 AM


          Edited by: milanmilas on Feb 20, 2013 11:43 AM

          • 2. Re: ActiveMQ (FuseEsb, Camel) - Http to Https

            Have you tried running it? It seems at first glance okay.

            • 3. Re: ActiveMQ (FuseEsb, Camel) - Http to Https

              ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory is for SSL, it will pass the work to parent class if transport is

              https. It looks like there is no ConnectionFactory in ActiveMQ for Https.

              In this way I am using the default one I would use for Http with difference that I have created

              additionl class for serring certificates.


              I did manage to make it work is by creating new class that is instanced in



              public class SetSystemProperties {


              private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogge(SetSystemProperties.class);


                   public SetSystemProperties(){

                        LOG.info("processing SetSystemProperties");






