4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 27, 2013 12:27 PM by arun.parihar

    Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts




      I am trying to deploy artifacts to Fabric maven Proxy and am following the doc for Fabric Maven Proxy:



      I am not able to use maven deploy to deploy artifacts:

      mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=http://admin:admin@localhost:8040/maven/upload

      Above gives error of: Invalid syntax for alternative repository. Use "id::layout::url".


      Fabric is created and fabric-maven-proxy feature is installed on my Fuse Enterprise installation but I cannot see port 8040 being open.


      Is there something extra needs to be done to configure Fabric Maven Proxy to be able to upload artifacts to? Is its port 8040 not correct?

      Can someone please help on this.


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts

          We definitely need to update the docs.


          The default port is the pax-web port which is 8181 out of the box.


          So I would try something like this:


          mvn deploy - DaltDeploymentRepository=fabric::default::http://admin:admin@localhost:8040/maven/upload


          An alternative is to modify your pom.xml and your settings xml like this:



          • 2. Re: Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts

            Thanks, your reply answers my question. Using following uploads the artifact in $Fuse_Install/data/maven/proxy/downloads

            mvn deploy - DaltDeploymentRepository=fabric::default::http://admin:admin@localhost:8181/maven/upload


            I have one follow up question on this. After the upload, I am not able to get the Fuse Enterprise use the artifact using its mvn url e.g. I am not able to do osgi:install mvn:com.abc/artifact/version or shell:source mvn:com.abc/artifact/version/installer

            Do I need to configure something?


            Edited by: arun.parihar on Feb 21, 2013 11:01 AM

            • 3. Re: Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts

              You should not install artifacts manually, but only by adding them to the profile of your container. Even if you manage to install them any future change in the profiles that will trigger the fabric-agent, will uninstall any "manually" installed artifact (unless of course its also defined in the profile).


              The osgi commands will only see the artifact repositories listed inside the org.ops4j.pax.url pid. The fabric-maven-proxy is not listed there. It's not recommended to add it there, but you should work using profiles.

              • 4. Re: Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts

                Thanks iocanel,


                In my requirement I need to upload and then run a Karaf installer which creates all the profiles and containers. I was hoping to use command shell:source and then point to it the maven url for the installer script. It appears that just like osgi commands, shell command also would not pick an artifact/resource uploaded using Fabric Maven Proxy


                Please correct me if I am wrong or suggest a solution if you can think of any