1. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box
davsclaus Feb 22, 2013 9:07 AM (in response to ashish.mohan_ashish.mohan)This is not possible out of the box on a Windows box, as it does not have a SSHD daemon server running.
You may need to install a SSHD daemon/server on your windows box, to have it support SSH.
An alternative is to install Fuse ESB / Fabric on the windows box manually. And then start it up, and then you can join the fabric from this windows box.
There is a fabric:join command for that.
2. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box
ashish.mohan_ashish.mohan Feb 22, 2013 9:30 AM (in response to davsclaus)Thanks for the response Claus.
Let me reiterate my understadning of this solution.
I've just downloaded "fmc-distro-7.1.0.fuse-047.zip" from redhat's website. So if run FMC locally on windows box(say WINBOX1) and join the fabric already running on one of the unix box using faric:join command then I should be able to provision containers/profiles on some other windows boxes say (WINBOX2, WINBOX3) from FMC UI/command shell.
What about credencials? Do I need to know the login/password of the individual machines in this case WINBOX2, WINBOX3 in order to deploy container on them?
3. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box
davsclaus Feb 22, 2013 11:38 AM (in response to ashish.mohan_ashish.mohan)Yes you can provision any container that is already part of the fabric.
But if you want to install Fuse ESB / Fabric on a new box which is empty, then you would need to do that with SSH. An alternative is to manually install Fuse ESB / Fabric on that container, and join the existing fabric. Then from this point forward, you can provision the container, and install any apps on it / update it / rollback etc.