4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2013 2:35 PM by ashish.mohan_ashish.mohan

    Fuse IDE Vs Fuse ESB Enterprise Vs Fuse Management Console


      Apologies if this question has already been answered but I am slightly confused with so many products doing similar things. What exactly is the difference between these products and what is the exact puspose of each product?


      My requirement is to create multiple karaf container on several boxes locally and remotely and I want to deploy list of bundles on each conatiner. Different conatiner might have diferent set of bundles installed which can be achived using fuse profile.

      I think I should be able to achive this by just installing FMC on one box and then I should be able to create container locally and remotely and then different profiles can be assigned to different containers.

      1) Do I need to downlaod and install IDE, ESB enterprise also in order to do the same?

      2) If yes then Is FMC just the Web UI and does not have in-built functionality to provision containers?

        • 1. Re: Fuse IDE Vs Fuse ESB Enterprise Vs Fuse Management Console



          You can read about the 3 different products by clicking the Products menu, and select the one to view.

          - Fuse ESB Enterprise at http://fusesource.com/products/fuse-esb-enterprise/

          - Fuse IDE at http://fusesource.com/products/fuse-ide/

          - Fuse Management Console at http://fusesource.com/products/fuse-management-console/


          And there you can see its 3 different products which a different purpose.


          ESB is the Enterprise Service Bus, as a server to host your applications

          Fuse IDE is developer tooling

          Fuse Management Console is a web based console to manage your ESB servers


          Ad 1)

          You would need to download Fuse ESB. Fuse IDE is only needed if you want Eclipse based tooling which has extended capabilities for developing Camel and Karaf/Fuse applications.


          Ad 2)

          Yes FMC can be used as web console to provision, manage and create / remove new containers, assign profiles, and whatnot.


          I suggest you watch the webinars as well. There is one about getting started with Fuse ESB Enterprise. And another about FMC.



          PS: You can actually just download Fuse ESB and then from the shell create a child container that is the FMC, and then use that as the web-console to manage.


          FuseESB:karaf@root> fabric:create
          FuseESB:karaf@root> container-create-child --profile fmc root my-fmc
          FuseESB:karaf@root> container-list
          [id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
          root*                          1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1, fuse-esb-medium success
            my-fmc                       1.0       true    fmc                            success


          And then you can connect to the web console from a web browser at: http://localhost:8080/


          And login with the password, that you created when creating the fabric.

          • 2. Re: Fuse IDE Vs Fuse ESB Enterprise Vs Fuse Management Console

            Thanks Claus for detailed response. It really helped me understand some concepts. Since my requirement is limited to just creating and provisioning some container, so it's clear that I don't need IDE.


            1) Now coming back to ESB and FMC, since fmc can be installed as feature in one of the child container, it makes me feel if FMC in standalone is redundant because you anyways have to download ESB. Why would someone download just FMC?


            2) When you say Fuse ESB, I assume you are referring to Fuse ESB enterprise (I've downloaded "Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0, Full Unix and Mac Binary" for my unix box)


            3) You mentioned that once child container is created using fmc profile, web console can be accessed on port 8080, Shouldn't it be 8107? What if 8080is already occupied, where I can change that?

            I couldn't access FMC webconsole page using http://localhost:8080/. However I remember when I had downloaded/installed just FMC, I was able to open FMC page on port 8107.

            • 3. Re: Fuse IDE Vs Fuse ESB Enterprise Vs Fuse Management Console

              Ad 1)

              I actually think you can also do the other way around. From FMC you can create a new remote container using SSH, and have FMC download the needed binaries if you have internet access. Then you can remote install new ESB containers on remote boxes.


              Though this would require you to have SSH access from the box which runs FMC to these other boxes.


              Well you could also create a child container from FMC as the ESB container, but I do not think its such a good idea; what people should do is to have their ESB and FMC containers independent. Although some may choose to install FMC on a specific ESB container, if there is no spare box to have the FMC running. Or if you are okay with FMC being running on a specific ESB container.


              Ad 2)

              Yes I refer to Fuse ESB Enterprise, as that's the product that has all this new fabric/cloud/fmc stuff. http://fuse.fusesource.org/fabric/.


              The classic Fuse ESB is our own distribution of Apache ServiceMix which does not have all these extended capabilities that we offer in Fuse ESB Enterprise.


              And Fuse ESB Enterprise is where we focus and innovate going forward. So we recommend people to use this product over the classic Fuse ESB.


              Ad 3)

              Ah yeah as port numbers assigned to child and remote containers can be dynamic assigned, then the http port can be different.


              I am not sure what is the best approach to assign these ports yourself, or a very easy way to Fuse ESB tell you what the port numbers is.


              You can do a

              container-list --verbose


              Which tells you some more details about JMX and SSH ports.


              But for the http port then that's another story.


              Let me check up on this when back in office next week. IMHO we should have a page in FMC and command in the shell to tell you all these port numbers a container uses, so you have one source to see them.


              For example if you do



              As a command it shows you the context-paths for web apps running in the container. But there is no way to no the port numbers of the http/https connectors easily.


              You can find those in the logs, though.

              • 4. Re: Fuse IDE Vs Fuse ESB Enterprise Vs Fuse Management Console

                Thanks. It was really helpful.