1. Re: karaf service bundle conflict with 3rd library bundle - split package issue
ffang Mar 5, 2013 10:24 PM (in response to wl880504)Hi,
No, you can't remove org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api bundle, it's very fundamental bundle of OSGi container and provide OSGi Logging Service, take a look at
And you shouldn't install ch.qos.logback.classic bundle yourself, all logging staff should be from pax-logging-api and pax-logging-service bundle already
2. Re: karaf service bundle conflict with 3rd library bundle - split package issue
wl880504 Mar 6, 2013 3:16 PM (in response to ffang)Hi Freeman,
Now I want to use pax-logging-api bundle instead of ch.qos.logback.classic. So I remove ch.qos.logback.classic. But still I got an error:
Unable to start bundle 388: Unresolved constraint in bundle slf4j.api [388 : Unable to resolve 388.0: missing requirement [388.0 osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.slf4j.impl)(version>=1.6.0))
pax-logging-api exports org.slf4j.impl package. So why I got this error?
3. Re: karaf service bundle conflict with 3rd library bundle - split package issue
ffang Mar 6, 2013 8:38 PM (in response to wl880504)Hi,
You need remove slf4j.api bundle as well, as I mentioned, all logging staff should be from pax-logging-api and pax-logging-service bundle already, so you shouldn't install any logging bundle like slf4j and log4j.