1. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
davsclaus Mar 6, 2013 1:45 PM (in response to rvojjala)Does the client include the WSS UsernameToken in the first place? Or do you need to add that yourself in the Camel route?
2. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
rvojjala Mar 6, 2013 2:22 PM (in response to davsclaus)Thanks for the response.
WSS UsernameToken needs to be added in the Camel route for the external service.
Appreciate if you could give me any pointers.
3. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
davsclaus Mar 7, 2013 4:12 AM (in response to rvojjala)Well the SOAP message can be represented in text/xml that is send over HTTP. So if you can add the WSS UsernameToken as a blob of xml then you can add that into the message body from the jetty.
For example from a java bean you can do
public String enrichWithUsernameToken(String xml) { // add the username into the xml return enriched; }
You can use the Document API if that is easier
public Document enrichWithUsernameToken(Document dom) { // add the username into the xml return enriched; }
4. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
davsclaus Mar 7, 2013 4:15 AM (in response to davsclaus)Though if you are using Apache CXF it has some security functionality which you can read about
Though using CXF can be a configuration hell, as its sometimes verbose and confusing to configure properly.
Also you can check out the WebService Security Guide here
5. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
davsclaus Mar 7, 2013 4:29 AM (in response to davsclaus)If the incoming SOAP message is not secure at all, then I think this is more difficult. And you may want to use the Apache CXF instead of the http component, to call the web-service. As Apache CXF supports WS-Secure and you can configure it to use the WS UserName token and whatnot. See the links I provided.
Though its not easy to configure and use IMHO. But that is the WS-* world.
6. Re: Help with Dynamic address for Camel Cxf Endpoint
rvojjala Mar 7, 2013 10:56 AM (in response to davsclaus)Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs. I will try to implement the ideas you gave and let you know.