2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2013 2:11 PM by davsclaus

    What can you do with Fuse Fabric?


      Can someone give me a no-nonsense explanation of what you can actually do with Fuse Fabric? What is it's purpose/power? I cannot find any real-life usecases that qualify Fabric. So far I am missing the point and don't want to be.

        • 1. Re: What can you do with Fuse Fabric?

          When your needs exceed the boundaries of a single container (e.g. you deploy your applications, in multiple fuse esb containers, you use multiple brokers etc) you will soon have to deal with how you manage all of your containers:


          How do you deploy your application to all your containers?

          How do you perform configuration changes to your containers?

          How do you update / rollback your application to your containers ?


          Also you might need to make your application scale better. Then more questions pop up:


          How do I load balance between my containers?

          How can I use distributed services?

          How do I know which container provides what service?


          Fabric tries to answer the question above and a lot more, by acting as a distributed configuration management and provisioning system, that allows you:


          i) To manage your configuration from a central location

          ii) Provision distributed containers, using versioning (upgrades/rollbacks etc)

          iii) Discover distributed OSGi services, Brokers and Camel/CXF endpoints.

          iv) Load balance between services and endpoints.

          v) Easily expand itself by being able to create containers, locally, on remote host in the local network or in a public/private cloud.


          and more.


          I hope that this answer covers you.

          • 2. Re: What can you do with Fuse Fabric?

            If you like to watch videos, then I suggest to look at some of the CamelOne videos from 2012, where Fabric was covered.
