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1. Re: How To Get Real Time Data Using Hadoop , R , Rhipe and Fusesource ?
lhein Mar 12, 2013 2:26 AM (in response to mohsin) -
2. Re: How To Get Real Time Data Using Hadoop , R , Rhipe and Fusesource ?
mohsin Mar 12, 2013 2:54 AM (in response to lhein)Thanks for your reply does RCP stands for Fuse IDE? i am trying with new version as i mentioned in my previous post link for fuse ide installation do you know any link that take it further and any example code or usefull link using fuse to get real time data ?
Best Regards,
3. Re: How To Get Real Time Data Using Hadoop , R , Rhipe and Fusesource ?
lhein Mar 12, 2013 3:00 AM (in response to mohsin)Oh wait,
if you have the Fuse IDE Enterprise version installed, then this is an RCP. The chapter in the linked handbook describes how to install Fuse IDE via Eclipse Update Site. There is no need to do that if you have the Fuse IDE Enterprise version as it is an RCP (Eclipse + Fuse IDE).
If you want to install it anyways via Update Site, then please download Eclipse Indigo (3.7) and follow the instructions in that chapter. That should work then too.