1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 30, 2009 3:40 PM by jayshaughnessy

    How to change the JON server IP?


      The first time I installed the JON srever and registrated the Agent. It worked well. Later I instaled a new versio JON server (GA 2.3) with new IP. Then I registrated the Agent againt this new server. But as I open the admin console I see the server IP is still the old one. The worse is: I can't see any service of the Agent any more. I try to change/edit the server IP and click save. Eventhough the server IP keeps still the old one.

      Someone has idea? I fear I have to clean the database.

        • 1. Re: How to change the JON server IP?

          Via the GUI:

          Administration->High Availability->Servers

          Click on the Server and then Edit. Update the host/port as needed. Note that the host/post must be an endpoint resolvable by all agents.

          Also, if your agents are not aware of the new server address you may need to update them. For example, restart with --setup option.