1. Re: 'Cannot access camel context' when clicking 'Route Details'
stlewis Mar 14, 2013 12:50 PM (in response to garethahealy)Yeah, you need the JMX/RMI ports open. If you go to the container list page, select the container that has those routes running in it and click the "JMX" button you'll get the exact JMX URL that FMC tries to use to connect to that container. You'll want to open both ports in that URL.
2. Re: 'Cannot access camel context' when clicking 'Route Details'
garethahealy Mar 14, 2013 2:15 PM (in response to stlewis)I already have 44444 and 1099 open from FMC -> container. Do i also need it the other way round? i.e.: container -> FMC.
3. Re: 'Cannot access camel context' when clicking 'Route Details'
stlewis Mar 14, 2013 2:20 PM (in response to garethahealy)Hmmm, no that should do it, only the container that's serving out the FMC webapp really needs to access those ports on other containers.
One other common cause of this problem is if the camel context hasn't fully started up, for example if you start a container with the example-camel profile but haven't started a container with a broker running, the camel context starts up enough to register a JMX domain (so the "Routes" button shows up) however not all of the required mbeans are available. So one other thing to check is to use container-connect to connect to that remote container and have a look at the log just to make sure the route has started up.
4. Re: 'Cannot access camel context' when clicking 'Route Details'
garethahealy Mar 14, 2013 2:43 PM (in response to stlewis)Yeah, i have one route marked as 'Started'. I ran 'route-list' on the container.
5. Re: 'Cannot access camel context' when clicking 'Route Details'
garethahealy Mar 15, 2013 1:21 PM (in response to stlewis)This has just started to work. Cant remember changing anything in my setup so will just put it down to one of those errors. It does take a while for the page to load, but thats probably due to the slow internet connection.