2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 5, 2013 9:54 AM by fordm_martin.ford

    Deadlock when creating containers




      I'm using Fuse 7.1.0 (fuse-71-047) and have found that I quite regularly get a deadlock between two threads (pool-org.apache.karaf.deployer.blueprint-2.3.0.fuse-71-047-thread-1 and FelixStartLevel).


      Attached is part of the threaddump from Java VisualVM.


      I've read posts elsewhere that suggest it could be related to attempting to install a number of features in fairly rapid succession (I'm creating around ten containers in a fabric, but I guess it's the total number of features that is important).


      Has anyone come across this issue / have a suggestion for a work around?


      Might installing the features before creating the containers help?


      Many thanks

        • 1. Re: Deadlock when creating containers

          Are the created containers, child containers on the same box?


          I think Fabric has had some improvements in that area which is rolled into the upcoming JBoss Fuse 6 release.


          Though Ioannis who works a lot on Fabric is the best person to know this on top of his head.

          • 2. Re: Deadlock when creating containers

            Yes, all the containers are children of root and are on the same box. Which raises the question of whether there is a recommended limit on the number of containers one would create on a single box?


            Any input from Ioannis would be gratefully received.