1. Re: ActiveMQ RedeliveryPolicy not effective
davsclaus May 15, 2013 3:04 AM (in response to jduncan)Hi
Have you tried configuring the redelivery policy in the broker URL directly as shown on this page
2. Re: ActiveMQ RedeliveryPolicy not effective
jduncan May 15, 2013 11:27 AM (in response to davsclaus)Still no joy. Could the JmsTransactionManager be overriding the RedeliveryPolicy set in the ConnectionFactory?
3. Re: ActiveMQ RedeliveryPolicy not effective
dtserekhman May 17, 2013 2:52 PM (in response to jduncan)We also tried this with "jboss-fuse-6.0.0.redhat-024" installation that comes with embedded AMQ 5.8.0. And then also tried with a standalone AMQ 5.8.0 installation (from http://activemq.apache.org), but still could not achieve the desired behavior.
Please see my post in ActiveMQ forum I referenced below which has more details about additional experiments when trying to specify redeliveryPlugin on the broker side (in activemq.xml).
Any suggestions what can be wrong here, or how to go about it?
Edited by: dtserekhman on May 17, 2013 6:51 PM