0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 24, 2013 12:17 PM by jelramzy_jelramzy

    share the same security context in the webconsole and container in AMQ 5.8?


      Hi all,


      I have the following question: is it possible to have a shared security context between the AMQ 5.8.0 ( or AMQ 5.7 )  container and the embedded web console while using Fuse Enterprise 7.1 ?


      My main goal is to allow any user to connect to the web console ( JAAS  authentication  based on an Apache DS for example, forget the default files in AMQ ! ) and once authenticated , the given user will have access only to the destinations whose access was assigned to him.


      Is this possible in the current version of AMQ ? if yes , can you please provide a step by step configuration approach?

