1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 30, 2013 3:09 PM by labo32_delaboe

    camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException




      I try to get a route with a xslt as osgi package up and running.



      karaf - camel 2.11, camel 2.10

      servicemix 4 and 5

      route as simple xml file or as jar

      blueprint or spring

      xsl file in etc directory or as resource in the jar


      A lot of combinations - no luck.


      Everything end in


      Caused by: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find resource in classpath for URI: net\test\resources\removeNS.xsl


      I read about problems with the osgi resource loader but for the freemarker bundle the resource template is found.


      Is there a way to get camel xslt and osgi up and running ?


