1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 21, 2014 5:34 PM by kingakoopa

    Connection Reset By Peer errors....help!


      Hello All,

      We are seeing errors on some of our QA testing scripts that intermittently throw Connection Reset By Peer errors.



      The Test scripts submit requests via F5 which forwards requests to Apache (2.2.21) with a mod_jk load_balancer with the following setting for each worker in the worker.property



          worker1 props








      and here is what is in the JBoss domain.xml for the AJP port from JBoss 7.1.1



          <unbounded-queue-thread-pool name="SKUNKY.APP.AJP">

                              <max-threads count="300"/>

                              <keepalive-time time="3" unit="minutes"/>




      Here is httpd.conf

      Timeout 300 (Amount of time in seconds the server will wait for certain events before failing a request)

      KeepAlive On (Enables HTTP persistent connections)

      KeepAliveTimeout 15 (Amount of time the server will wait for subsequent requests on a persistent connection seconds.)

      MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 (Number of requests allowed on a persistent connection)

      TraceEnable Off



      My question is that is it posisble that apache times out and closes the connection while jboss is still ready and working on the request?

      What might be causing the Connection Reset By Peer error?

      what am i missing here?

      Any help is majorly appreciated!!

      Sincerely KK