1. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
jaikiran Aug 23, 2014 1:23 AM (in response to negora)Which specific version of WildFly? Updates to jsp or html files should be automatically picked up without the application being redeployed. How are you deploying the application?
2. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
negora Aug 23, 2014 3:29 AM (in response to jaikiran)Hello Jaikiran:
Thanks for your prompt answer. I'm using Wildfly 8.1.0. But I did a mistake in my message. The exploded WAR files are updated right. I've just tested it. It's the exploded WAR files contained in exploded EAR files what doesn't work.
To test it, I've done this:
cd $WILDFLY/standalone/deployments/
mkdir -p test.ear/test-war.war/
vim test.ear/test-war.war/index.html
<Write some arbitrary content>
touch test.ear.dodeploy
Once it's deployed, we visit the page "index.html" from the Web browser and check that the content is there. Now it's time to change it:
vim test.ear/test-war.war/index.html
<Change the content of the file>
If we reload the page, it stays with the old content. It's like if the changes in "direct" exploded WAR files is updated properly, but not if they're contained in an exploded EAR file. Is it a bug?
Thank you!
3. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
jaikiran Aug 25, 2014 6:38 AM (in response to negora)I don't see why packaging a .war in a .ear should affect this behaviour. I think it's worth a JIRA. Even if this is something that needs to be configured (I don't think that's the case), then the default value for this configuration perhaps is incorrect. So either way, IMO, you should file a JIRA WildFly - JBoss Issue Tracker and point to this discussion (and attach a sample application there if possible).
4. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
negora Aug 28, 2014 4:50 AM (in response to jaikiran)OK, I'm going to fill one and see what people answer. I'll update the thread when there are news. Thank you .
PS: I forgot to update my post with the link to the bug report: [WFLY-3765] Runtime modifications in static files of exploded WARs of exploded EARs aren't reflected. - JBoss Issue Trac… .
5. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
negora Sep 15, 2014 2:35 AM (in response to negora)Finally it has been fixed for the version 9.0.0 Alpha 1 .
6. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
jacobilsoe Nov 4, 2014 1:59 PM (in response to negora)Does anyone know if this fix will be back ported to the 8 series of WildFly? We're using 8.1.0.Final and would very much like it fixed there. We're not ready for 9.0.0 Alpha 1 yet.
7. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
negora Nov 5, 2014 2:46 AM (in response to jacobilsoe)Curiously enough, yesterday I had the same wish. Because I was maintaining a project that required lots of hot redeployments of static files. Finally I ended using Wildfly 9.0.0 Alpha 1 for development, and Wildfly 8.1.0 for my production environment.
Obviously it's not that easy if you need this feature in a production environment. I'm going to ask Stuart Douglas if it's going to be another revision of the 8 series that includes this fix.
8. Re: Hot redeployment of HTML files in a WAR file?
negora Dec 1, 2014 3:13 AM (in response to jacobilsoe)Wildfly 8.2.0 is ready to be downloaded. I've run it and it seems to accept the hot redeployment of static files finally . Download it from Downloads · WildFly .