0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 26, 2014 3:11 AM by dotrc

    Extending jBPM Task Summary by adding custom attributes


      Hello Everyone,


      We are looking at implementing something similar to "Personal Task List (Inbox)" within http://blog.athico.com/2012/09/human-interactions-task-list-uis.html and add our own domain specific attributes to task table.

      We understand that the Task Summary should contain the minimum data attributes to be shown, but bound by our business requirement.


      There is already a link that guides us on how to directly add attributes to Task table (for jBPM 3.x):



      But, this looks intrusive as we are directly updating jBPM DB and code. Is there a better way to achieving the same, such that we achieve the same through extending some available hook or entry point and keep the original jBPM untouched as far as possible?

      Any pointers or examples would be greatly appreciated!


