For the Overlord project, we need to support JMS capabilities, both on the local VM as well as for external clients. So far, we haven't had much luck on Tomcat (7.0.54). Info:
I've also tried skipping the xbean activemq.xml altogether and using a "vm:(broker:(tcp://localhost:61616)?persistent=false)?marshal=false" brokerURL.
No steps I've taken have shown the port open through netstat.
I've closely following multiple docs and tutorials, but none of the variations have been successful. Any ideas on how to add ActiveMQ to Tomcat (not TomEE), allow local JVM connections, and remote client connections? Thanks!
I'd avoid trying to place activemq libs into the Tomcat lib dir. I'd just try to run an ActiveMQ broker entirely in a webapp. Then get your webapp to load a spring xml context, in which you have an ActiveMQ broker defined.