0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2014 6:21 AM by abraham.romero

    Wildfly 8.1.0 security problem


      Hi everyone,


      I have a problem with an application that uses a security domain, you can see the application configuration in web.xml.


      I can login and logout in the application without problem, the problem begins when application is redeployed. At this moment, if I'm authenticated and I refresh the browser, I'm redirected to login page but when I insert my user and password, and try to log in again, I'm redirected again to login page. This problem happens with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome but works fine with Internet Explorer 11.


      I saw the log of "org.jboss.security" and different things happens, you can see the output for a correct authentication in log_correct.txt and the output for incorrect authentication in log_incorrect.txt.


      Any help with this problem would be appreciated


      Best regards,
