1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 5, 2014 9:10 AM by sumncc

    CDI issue with abstract class.


      Hi All, I may be in the wrong side of the stick, But I need to do this, Can anybody help me please.


      I have these classes...


      interface A{

           void add();

            void sub();



      class abtract B implements A{

           void add (){

               // do some stuff





      class C extends B{

           void sub(){

              // do something






      class D extends B{

           void sub(){

              // do something





      Then I want to use C and D with different facades. Like these...

      class X1 {

         @Inject private C  objC;

           void dosomehting(){

              // do something



      class X2 {

         @Inject private D  objD;

           void dosomehting(){

              // do something





      I tried to use Qualifiers(named and  annotations both) and alternatives  but I am not getting it right with none-satisfied dependencies or ambiguous dependency.


      Can I have here your valuable advice , please.



      Many Thanks

        • 1. Re: CDI issue with abstract class.

          Hi Guys, I have solved it by using this in beans.xml


               <weld:exclude name="com.something.B"/>


          As result no ambiguity  and work fine for me.

          Thanks to all.


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