2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 10, 2014 10:26 PM by zydzjy

    how to use jBPMN


      I read jBPMN document,it says we can deploy jBPMN as standalone service, we can use REST,RPC to communicate with it?

      So,how do i really use it as standalone service??


        • 1. Re: how to use jBPMN

          As Standalone it means that you can embed it in your application, so you just add the jbpm dependencies to your projects and call the APIs directly.

          If you want to go that way you will be responsible to expose the Java APIs via any RPC method that your require for your project.

          If you don't want to do that, you can reuse the existing services provided by KIE Workbench, which expose each deployment unit via REST, SOAP and JMS.



          • 2. Re: how to use jBPMN

            So,what is steps that deploy KIE to my JBOSS,TOMCAT in detail,Thanks