1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 17, 2014 5:22 AM by zh.emanon

    Some question about logging


      In my project I use java.util.logging. I have string like LOGGER.fine("some my logs"). Now in fuse esb I try to see that log. In org.ops4j.pax.logging.properties I've changed log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG. Now I can see my string, but at the same time I see too many logs from another modules. How can I make that I can see only my log at debud level and logs from other modules at INFO level?

        • 1. Re: Some question about logging

          sorry for my newbie question)

          If you want to trace some package you should add string like this:

          log4j.logger.com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc = TRACE to the org.ops4j.pax.logging.properties file in you profile. If there is no such file you should create it.