0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 18, 2014 10:11 AM by antlia

    Wrong JPA query translation


      Hi to all,

      I've this JPA query (please, forget about the fact that the two conditions in 'or' are the same, it's only for example purpose, for having a complex query.):


      CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
      CriteriaQuery<T> criteria = builder.createQuery(type);
      Root<RealEstate> realRoot = criteria.from(RealEstate.class);
      Predicate networkPredicate = builder.and(userGroupJoin.get("groupId").in(groupFriendshipList), builder.equal(realRoot.get("agencyId"), userRoot.get("userId")));
      Predicate mlsPredicate = builder.and(userGroupJoin.get("groupId").in(groupFriendshipList), builder.equal(realRoot.get("agencyId"), userRoot.get("userId")));
      Predicate conjunctionPredicate = builder.or(networkPredicate, mlsPredicate);

      I'm expecting that this will be translated into the following HQL query:


      SELECT RealEstate
      FROM RealEstate
      INNER JOIN (other tables)
      WHERE (GroupID IN (48,53) AND RealEstate.AgencyID = User.UserID) OR (GroupID IN (48,53) AND RealEstate.AgencyID = User.UserID)

      (note the parenthesys in the or clause)

      But this is the actual translation:

      select RealEstate
      from RealEstate
      inner join other tables...
      where (GroupID in (48 , 53)) and realestate0_.AgencyID=user1_.UserID or (GroupID in (48 , 53)) and realestate0_.AgencyID=user1_.UserID


      The logical order of the actual HQL translation isn't right...in this way the two 'and' statements aren't executed before the 'or' operator, like it should be...where am I wrong? Maybe it's a bug of Hibernate implementation?


      Many Thanks,
