1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 20, 2014 10:01 PM by nmay

    Can't apply custom profile to fabric. Container running endless in the waiting mode.



      I have a very strange issue with applying my own profile for the fabric.

      I create the profile similar to the quickstart-rest profile and deploy it on the fuse.

      Here is my simple project (trivial camel route with simple RESTful service):









      I create the fabric and apply my profile in it.



      Container started installing it and running in endless waiting mode.

      In hawtio and if I run cli command fabric:container-list

      it show me that container is always in the waiting mode.



      It doesn't happens with build-in quickstart-rest profile.

      if I apply quickstart-rest profile it goes just fine.

      How to debug this kind of issue ? Somebody have an idea that to do ?

        • 1. Re: Can't apply custom profile to fabric. Container running endless in the waiting mode.

          I found that OSGI bundle for profile is not activated and always in the Graice period.


               [ 272] [Active     ] [GracePeriod ] [       ] [   60] rest-consumer-example (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)


          the log is showing something like:



               2014-09-21 03:32:53,111 | INFO  | l Console Thread | BlueprintContainerImpl           | container.BlueprintContainerImpl  307 | 9 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.0.1.redhat-610379 | Bundle rest-consumer-example is waiting for namespace handlers [http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint/cxf]


          So I added camel-dxf in the profile dependency and it works !

          Fabric started successfully  !


          Strange that standalone fuse container (without any fabrics) can install my  osgi bundle easy. With fabric it's not the case ..

          The logs  from blueprint container is not visible in the fabric logs.. it's hard to find the problem....