1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 22, 2014 9:20 PM by gaohoward

    How to configure JMS pooled connection factory for remote client in jboss EAP6.0




      I have a remote JMS client writing to a queue on a remote JBoss A-MQ, it currently open&close connection every time it writes a message. I am trying to replace this with pooled connection for better performance. I couldn't find any sample config would meet this need, although you would think this is a very common scenario.


      I did find this guide :

      Messaging configuration - JBoss AS 7.1 - Project Documentation Editor


      but it's for HornetQ. It also says:


      A pooled-connection-factory should not have any entry bound in the "java:jboss/exported" namespace because a pooled-connection-factory is not suitable for remote clients.

      Which really confuses me: we can't use connection pool for remote clients?

      Any advice?

