1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 29, 2014 4:37 AM by michpetrov

    Error in Chrome and IE Could not load ResourceBundle


      I have an application in was 7, it works perfectly in all broswer but when i migrated it on was 8.5 , it only works in FireFox but in Chrome and IE8 doesnt work, here are some images that explain my problem:

      Before Migration :


      After Migration: In firefox it works perfectly but in Chrome an IE 8 it doesnt works






        When i try to open the application the Log said:

      [26/09/14 15:45:13:399 COT] 000000d2 UILoadBundle  E org.ajax4jsf.component.UILoadBundle loadBundle Could not load ResourceBundle "co.gov.fna.pm.mensajes.MessageResources"

      I take the resource MeessageResurces.properties and put it under the WEB-INF/classes

      But it cant load in Chrome and IE


      The style of the web page not load correctly with RichFaces,