6 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2015 6:58 PM by sejanick

    Disabling /console redirect to management port


      Wildfly's Undertow extension redirects /console/... URL requests (on port 8080/8443) to /console on port 9990.  Unfortunately, the web app that I am attempting to port to Wildfly already makes heavy use of /console/... URLs, and this redirect is preventing all those URLs from working.


      As a temporary workaround I have installed a modified version of the wildfly-undertow-8.1.0-Final.jar (in the org.wildfly.extension.undertow:main module), with the part of org.wildfly.extension.undertow.HostAdd that adds org.wildfly.extension.undertow.ConsoleRedirectService (and the ServiceController for it) commented out, but I need a permanent solution (other than updating all our URLs, which is not really viable).


      Is there any way (configuration, CLI, MBean operation, etc.) to disable/remove/stop ConsoleRedirectService to prevent this redirect from happening?  I can't see anything in the code that points to an obvious way to configure or disable it, but maybe there is a way to cause this specific service to be stopped?


      I'm not sure of the purpose of this redirect other than to reduce confusion for people trying to use the management console without specifying the management port in the URL.  Will anything important break if the redirect is disabled?


      - Graham Johnson