4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2014 8:28 AM by brmeyer

    Error trying to delete S-RAMP artifact workflows


      All artifacts are deployed properly to S-RAMP and workflows are created accordingly. When I delete main artifact, no problem. But I get error trying to delete workflows (I cannot delete workflows first because they are re-created as expected).

      A node definition that allows same name siblings could not be found for the node

      Now I have maybe 15 myproject-1.0-FINAL.jar_workflow hanging in S-RAMP.

      Same issue in DTGov, there are non existent workflows, and I get error when I try to abort them: org.overlord.sramp.client.SrampClientException: Failed to find an artifact with UUID d2c2cc46-e2a5-4845-b330-c5e6849be66e

      How can I get rid of those workflows, and in general, is there a smoother way to delete an artifact with all the related/derived artifacts?