0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 3, 2014 3:57 AM by micha1991

    Controller is not available using https-remoting protocol


      I am trying to deploy my war archive on 8.0.0 final jboss redhat RPM. Everything was working fine until I tried to enable my security options. I have added both `<ssl>` tag and `<trustore>` tag under SecurityRealm.

      In addition I added an `<https-listener>` and enabled the https-management console.



      I've added a controller to jboss-cli.xml as follows:



                  <controller name="MyHttpsController">








      I'm executing the jboss server process by runnning the standalone.sh script and then I'm trying to deploy my war by using the following line:



      ./jboss-cli.sh --connect=MyHttpsController** command="deploy [myWarPath]"



      I get the following error:


      The controller is not available at myIp:myPort: java.net.ConnectException:

      .....The connection timed out


      I can open the https-management console via the browser and I checked that my server is actually listening to this port. Please help my if you can, this is very important.


      I appreciate all help you can give me.


      Thanks all,
