We want to have our category menus go to category lists at any level including the top level.
We create the menu items on the java side. Here is a code snippet.
HtmlDropDownMenu currentMenu = new HtmlDropDownMenu();
currentMenu.setValue("Top Category");
HtmlMenuItem menuItem = new HtmlMenuItem();
menuItem.setValue("Sub Category");
// I know this is deprecated. It's on my to do list
Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
MethodBinding binding = application.createMethodBinging("#{bean.category}", new Class[] {});
HtmlActionParameter action = new HtmlActionParameter();
Then in the jsp:
<c:forEach var="categoryMenu"
<rich:dropDownMenu binding="#{categoryMenu}">
The problem is that this only allows an action for the last leaf in the tree. How can I set an action on the parents?
Thank you for any help.