1. Re: Modify existing Workflow
jorgemoralespou_2 Oct 8, 2014 10:42 AM (in response to sgoschin)Have you consider using something like Docker for this?
The workflow could be to create a DTGov docker image, where you deploy your workflow everytime you create a container out of it. This way, to have a clean dtgov, is just a matter of deleting the container, and starting a new instance.
There are some dockerfiles out there to be able to use DTGov on top of EAP (no tomcat /wildfly) yet, and it is very straight forward, I will be glad to give more details.
As for the questions:
1. Yes, AFAIK.
2. Should be directly usable, as it is S-RAMP that triggers the execution of the workflow when a query is detected for the workflow.
3. No, AFAIK. I would recommend to create a JIRA, if there is none, as I discussed this some time ago with DTGov developers
4. I think there is an Arquillian plugin, but I do not know that much about it.
I guess you'll have official response form the developers, who know much more than me :-D
2. Re: Modify existing Workflow
kurtstam Oct 8, 2014 10:56 AM (in response to sgoschin)Hi Sebastian,
You should be able to add a new version of the workflow. Existing workflows should finish on the old definition, while new workflows will use the new version. Make sure to reference the new version in the dtgov.properties (or wherever that info is stored now).
3. Re: Modify existing Workflow
eric.wittmann Oct 8, 2014 12:20 PM (in response to sgoschin)1 of 1 people found this helpful3. Not at present. But you can track this JIRA: [DTGOV-206] Explore: Support multiple simultaneous KIE jars - JBoss Issue Tracker
4. Re: Modify existing Workflow
eric.wittmann Oct 8, 2014 12:21 PM (in response to sgoschin)1 of 1 people found this helpfulYou might also be interested in a new feature added in the 1.4.0.Final release: [DTGOV-134] Workflow/KIE JAR: Add support for maven keywords - LATEST / RELEASE - JBoss Issue Tracker