1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 1, 2005 7:40 PM by alt_amit

    commit option A plus optimistic locking on read only operati


      I am using commit option A on entity beans, so that there is no redundant ejbLoad of entity beans between transactions. But this means for 2 concurrent transactions, even if they were read-only operations, one would be locked out till the other completed, since the global instance cache is pessimistically locked.

      How do I devise a strategy to let read-only transactions proceed simultaneously (not one after other) despite using commit option A ?

        • 1. Re: commit option A plus optimistic locking on read only ope

          Here's what I opted for:

          commit option A, CMP with cache invalidation container config, get methods RO, SimpleReadWriteEJBLock (need 3.2.7 for the correct version), use InvalidationManager to invalidate thru JMS topic, to cover case of db write not always going thru entity bean (which was option A's starting premise).