1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 14, 2014 4:08 AM by sivaprasad9394

    rich:calendar can we input time directly without the popup




         In My application I'm using rich:calendar to show date and time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm). After selecting the date it allows to input time. But time can not be input directly in its field .

      For time editing it's necessary to click on its field. And another popup opens where we can give time. Is it possible to disable this time popup and input time directly in its field? Can we configure like this?


      Please suggest me...




        • 1. Re: rich:calendar can we input time directly without the popup



          You can use buttonIcon and buttonIconDisabled add the buttonLabel for displaying some label text.

          Use value="#{eventBean.selectedDate}"> set the selectedDate value in the backing bean as date data type.It may be current date time or other one.


          Add Input component instead of date component and convert the value to Date type or String type based on your requirement.All the value will be set in the backing bean variable default values.