1. Re: Define alert conditions for JBoss AS
jayshaughnessy Oct 10, 2014 10:52 AM (in response to swiderski.maciej)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi Maciej,
Unfortunately you're right, we don't yet support conditions that compare values of multiple metrics. The way that gets done today is typically via the creation of another metric that calculates the desired value (like pool-percent-used) and report/alert against the single metric. If we don't already provide the desired metric it could be added as a customization. That involves adding the new metric definition to the plugin descriptor (rhq-plugin.xml) for the plugin, possibly adding code to collect the metric, and redeploying the updated plugin.
As for dampening, if you set "consecutive occurrences to N", that means that the alert will fire only if the conditions are met N evaluations in a row. The condition set is evaluated each time a relevant condition is evaluated. The amount of time it takes to do that *is variable*. It depends on the collection intervals for the relevant metrics. See Monitoring->Schedule subtab in the GUI to see the list of metrics, their enabled/disabled state, and their collection intervals. By default many metrics are disabled out-of-box, and if enabled are set to conservative collection intervals. For a particular alerting use case a metric may need to be enabled, and possibly collected more frequently.
Now, for Availability alerting (UP, DOWN, etc) you need to be careful because availability checking only reports *changes* in availability. So a dampening rule on Goes DOWN, like "consecutive occurrences = 5" is not a good idea. This is because DOWN will be reported once, when it goes DOWN. The next availability report will likely be Goes UP, when it comes back up. So it won't be reported DOWN 5 times in a row. What people usually use in this case is an Availability Duration alert condition,like "Goes DOWN and stays DOWN for N minutes". And then you don't set dampening at all. Again, collection interval is relevant. Each resource will have an "Availability" metric. By default the Availability metric collection interval is set to 1 minute for Servers and 10 minutes for services.
2. Re: Define alert conditions for JBoss AS
swiderski.maciej Oct 15, 2014 2:02 AM (in response to jayshaughnessy)Jay,
could you please provide some more details on how to define metric that calculate value? Does that need to be done with custom implementation as well?
3. Re: Define alert conditions for JBoss AS
genman Oct 15, 2014 3:27 PM (in response to swiderski.maciej)1 of 1 people found this helpful
You need to create custom code.For example, take a look at the code that calculates the heap percent free for the JMX plugin.
See: rhq/modules/plugins/jmx/src/main/java/org/rhq/plugins/jmx/MBeanResourceComponent.java (RHQ source code)
You can probably do a better job than this. I think the calculation code doesn't really belong in this class.
4. Re: Define alert conditions for JBoss AS
swiderski.maciej Oct 20, 2014 1:37 AM (in response to genman)thanks guys, now I have all the details required.