0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 23, 2014 5:37 AM by crowdsurf

    Unable to load transformer class


      Hi All,


      I'm a newbie to JBoss / FSW / EAP and am trying to get to grips with all these technologies. I'm encountering a strange issue when trying to deploy my SwitchYard project to EAP 6.1.


      It connects to a remote web service and has a transformer class to handle transformation to / from the request / response.


      I have created JUnit tests to test the functionality and these work without any issue. I run into problems when trying to run the project on my local EAP server.


      The error I get when I try to deploy is:


      SWITCHYARD016848: Unable to load transformer class ie.rsa.switchyard.TestSafeServiceConsumer.ConsumerTransformer


      I checked and the class file exists in the WAR file but I wonder what could be causing an issue referencing it?? I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.


      Thanks in advance.