1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 30, 2014 11:58 AM by rcernich

    SwitchYard Message Metrics - How to fetch them from outside?


      Hi Folks,




      I have been using FUSE 6.0 for some prototypes for quite some time and recently moved to JBoss Fuse 6.1. I normally make use of Jolokia bundle on Fuse to get webservices performance metrics using Jolokia API (JMX - http over JSON).


      Today, I used FSW for the first time and really loved the way it has been created. (Specially using the SCA). Its really a very beautiful piece of work. Kudos to the team


      I also saw that we can get all the performance metrics details about the various services that are running on SwitchYard through the management console i.e. http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#sy-metrics


      Is it possible to use Jolokia with FSW? I did try to deploy the Jolokia war file to FSW but it doesn't seems like working.


      Thus, my second followup question will be that if Jolokia doesnt works on FSW, how can I get these service metrics lets say to create a file that I use to create a report ?


      I would really appreciate any help/pointers/docs that could solve my query.


      Many thanks!



        • 1. Re: SwitchYard Message Metrics - How to fetch them from outside?

          Hey Kunal,


          The metrics are available through the EAP management interface operation /subystem=switchyard/show-metrics, which takes two optional parameters, type and service-name.  type may be one of *, service, reference, or componentService.  service-name is the qname for the service (e.g. {namespace:uri}Service).  The result is a json-like string containing the metrics.


          You can also obtain the metrics from JMX.


          Hope that helps,
