5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2014 4:15 AM by kannan123

    Database login module for jboss


      Hi all


      I am trying to implement the remote jbpm workflow in my project. I have successfully used it except creating the users and roles from my web application. My requirements and the methods i followed are mentioned below.


      My requirements

      I want to create the users and roles in the jboss and to use them for the task assignment without restarting the server.

      These to be done when i am creating the users in my web application itself.


      Methods i followed

      I tried with importing the jbpm's database to mysql and updated the users.properties, roles.properties in the configuration folder and the organizationalentity table from the imported tables.

      Tried with creating the mysql data source and to change the login module to the database login one.


      More than two weeks i am working on this. Can somebody give me a clear idea whether i can do this. If so how can i do this. What i am expecting is the steps to follow or any tutorial. I have mentioned this in more than two posts. But i didn't get any successful comments. So i mentioned my requirements clearly here.


      I am using Liferay with tomcat7, remote jbpm workflow and jboss 7.1.


      Thanks and regards
