1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 6, 2014 6:51 AM by merlincaf

    Error render table row with RichFaces 4.3.7 and IE8


      when I login for the first time on my page I view the information in staggered rows in the table (rich:dataTable). As soon as I step just with the mouse pointer on these areas, the text in the cells goes to occupy its correct position.

                before                               after

      before.PNG          after.PNG

      I see the text in the header of the columns hidden by filters that are below (the correct position is on top of the filters) and a few rows back off the table but on mouse hover are shown automatically in the correct position of the row in the table.

      Can you help me to solve this problem? I use RichFaces 4.3.7 and IE8.
