1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 7, 2014 9:27 AM by anthony_inovelan

    Accessing property "DataInputSet" programmatically




      Is it possible to get the value of the property "DataInputSet" (defined in a Human Task) programmatically ? (version : 6.1.0.Final)

      I've tried to "explore" some objects such as Task, TaskData, Node, or WorkItem... but no result.


      I already have access to some properties like "GroupId" or "NodeName" via the method "taskService.getTaskContent(taskId)", but only these properties (also ActorId) seem to be "reachable".


      Thanks for your help.



        • 1. Re: Accessing property "DataInputSet" programmatically

          The answer seems to be the BPMN2DataService but there is no injection in my project and I don't use RuntimeManager.

          I work with "KIE projects" created and deployed by the KIE Workbench, so in my code it's all built from these ids : "groupId / artifactId / version"


          What are the minimal requirements to get the BPMN2DataService working in this type of configuration ?

          Do I have to use injection "everywhere" ?