3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 14, 2014 7:13 PM by tungtd

    Cannot use JBoss Maven Plugin to start EAP 6.1 properly


      Hi all,

      I'm struggling with integration test using JBoss EAP 6.1 and JBoss Maven plugin. This is a fragment of my pom.xml file



      My JBoss EAP did not start properly. There're bunch of applications already deployed on this JBoss. I suspect the maven process ended before the server fully start. This is the normal log when I start JBoss EAP from command line:

      18:47:41,777 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment gadgets.war (runtime-name: gadgets.war) in 757ms
      18:47:41,881 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment overlord-rtgov-epn.war (runtime-name: overlord-rtgov-epn.war) in 845ms
      18:47:41,912 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment switchyard-bookmngt-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war (runtime-name: switchyard-bookmngt-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war) in 834ms
      18:47:41,932 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment overlord-rtgov-acs.war (runtime-name: overlord-rtgov-acs.war) in 912ms
      18:47:41,997 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment s-ramp-server.war (runtime-name: s-ramp-server.war) in 961ms
      18:47:42,031 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment switchyard-bpel-console.war (runtime-name: switchyard-bpel-console.war) in 995ms
      18:47:42,246 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment switchyard-bpel-console-server.war (runtime-name: switchyard-bpel-console-server.war) in 1169ms
      18:47:42,322 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment s-ramp-ui.war (runtime-name: s-ramp-ui.war) in 1315ms


      But when I use maven, things messed up. So I can't deploy the app, it just say "JBAS015813: No deployment with name switchyard-bookmngt-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war found" because this app was not deployed properly.


      Any idea?