1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 17, 2014 9:56 AM by oleg.kulikov

    Compliance with CMIS specification


      Dear ModeShape community,


      we are being in evaluation process of ModeShape and tried to run the Apache Chemistry TCK (test classes, see https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/chemistry/tck/trunk/chemistry-tck-atompub/README.txt) to test the compliance of ModeShape AtomPub binding with CMIS specification.


      The test was executed on a plain ModeShape repository. The test result is in attachment (see output.txt), it contains more than 100 failures and an unexpected exception by using of "capability changes" feature, which seems to be enabled in ModeShape.


      The report contains errors auch as:

      - Root folder has CAN_DELETE_OBJECT allowable action! (AbstractSessionTest.java:1093)

      - Document object spec compliance error: cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId is not included in the query result

      - Private Working Copy id and cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId don't match! (VersioningSmokeTest.java:154)

          expected: 'ac98da6c-18c3-4797-bb8b-613073aabcb4' / actual: 'ac98da6c-18c3-4797-bb8b-613073aabcb4/pwc'

      - Cannot delete a single version



      As CMIS is very important for us as a standard interface to the repository for remote or non-java applications, the general question is:

      Is it on your roadmap to fix these errors and provide the full compliance with CMIS 1.1 specification?


      Best regards


        • 1. Re: Compliance with CMIS specification

          Vitali, the answer will depend from community activity. If community will be interested in such features then it will be implemented. You also can drive this process by creating appropriate issues in JIRA and voting for it to gain the priority. So something like this.

